* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Monday, October 8, 2007

Tailgaters suck

On the parkway yesterday some moron in a white SUV followed me so closely that I couldn't see his headlights in my rear view mirror. I won't tell you how fast I was going (I don't want to receive a ticket in the mail), but I was will tell you that I was traveling at highway speed.

Of all of the moronic things that drivers do, this may be the one that most angers me. Because if something happens right in front of me, I have to choose between swerving and rolling over, hitting it, or slamming on my brakes - at which point the car behind me winds up in my back seat.

The irony is that if he manages to avoid me, and to avoid rolling over, he'll have successfully reinforced his asinine behavior ("I didn't have an accident; of course I can follow that close"). And if he does rear-end me, well, I shouldn't have slowed down that fast, right?

If only I could drop caltrops from the back of my car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tailgaters suck because everyone is in such a hurry to go nowhere.

Even if they get around you in the city they just end up at a red light with you right behind them.

Why change your driving habits for some stupid prick behind you though?

Just slam on your brakes and have that prick pay for the motherfucking damages.