* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Scruffy is a Superfund cat

Remember how I said that Scruffy was separated from his mother at too young an age, based on how he follows Shadow around like a puppy, and doesn't know what to do with himself in her absence? Well, another piece of it is that he doesn't really have the litter box thing down. He does use the litter box, but his attempt at burying his feces, though I often hear him scraping away busily at the litter, is generally inadequate, to say the least. He often manages to step in his feces in the process, though, and since he frequently has loose stools, he then proceeds to track fecal matter all over the bathroom floor (and sometimes the walls, too), to say nothing of the rest of the apartment.

I have half a mind to send him back where he came from.

The amount of time, effort, and cleaning supplies that this cat will cause me to spend during his 20 year life will rival that of a moderately-sized Superfund site.

Of course, given how high strung he is, he'll probably die of a heart attack by age 12 or 13, so maybe I'm only dealing with a minor Superfund site.

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