* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I lick my cats

I realize that this is weird.

Long before my kittens moved in, it occurred to me that, if I was to successfully communicate with a cat, then I should probably use its language as much as possible. This is why, for example, I hiss at my cats if they do something that they shouldn't - it works far better than saying "no!", no matter how forcefully I speak. I extend a finger as a surrogate nose to say hello to a cat, and with my own cats I sometimes extend my own nose to theirs (gently, gently). So when I realized that cats demonstrate affection for each other by grooming each other with their tongues, I decided to do the same. The result last night was a relaxed, purring Shadow who fell into that deep, limp, twitching sleep while lying on me.


Anonymous said...

Bird has similarly been a scourge of grasshoppers.

Anonymous said...

This alarms me. It may be nice for the cats, but is not so good for you, microbe-wise or psychologically.