* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Friday, May 23, 2008


In“Stephen,” said Jack, “we can’t just pluck up the anchors and go, you know. The boiler fire is out, and the wind is dead on shore.”
In“The fire is out?”
In“Yes. The powder hoy is coming alongside, or will be any moment now, once she’s finished with Breisis.”
In“And its presence is connected with the putting out of the boiler’s fire, I collect?”
In“Of course; what a fellow you are, Stephen. The powder hoy would never come alongside otherwise – the slightest spark and we’d all be blown to kingdom come.”
In“Oh,” said Stephen, and then after a moment, “could the boats perhaps pull the ship out of the harbor, do you think?”
In“She’s a sloop, Stephen, not a ship. And besides, that would mean putting to sea with an empty magazine, or nearly empty. We used almost the last of our powder in escaping from that Frenchman. Not to mention all of the water we pumped away, which we still haven’t replaced, or not all of it. Yes,” he said to a knock at the door.
InThe door opened and Killick stepped in. “Gunner’s compliments and the powder hoy is alongside. Sir,” he added after a moment’s hesitation.
In“My compliments to Mr [Gunner] and beg he will carry on. Tell him no more than five barrels of the white grain; we may be going foreign. And as soon as the powder is safely stowed and the powder hoy is away the boiler should be lit.”
In“Compliments, no more than five barrels of white, light the boiler when safely stowed it is,” Killick replied, withdrawing and pulling the door closed behind him.
In“The water, which we’ve only replaced a little less than half of. Is there somewhere that you need to go? I might be able to send you in one of the cutters with Bonden.”

1 comment:

Roger Bender said...

Compliments to Mr O'Brian...