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Monday, May 5, 2008

One more thing about Davenport's flood management strategy

In my previous entry on Davenport, Ohio's flood management strategy, I forgot to mention one major point: by not erecting floodwalls and levees to protect their city, they avoid the false sense of security that those walls provide. New Orleans may be the most obvious example of why that sense of security is false, but it is by no means the only one.

* earlier this year, a levee failed in Fernley, Nevada, forcing 3500 to evacuate.
* The North Sea Flood of 1953 claimed hundreds of lives in Great Britain and several European countries.
* Several levees failed during the (United States) Midwest floods of 1993. (link is to an abstract of a research article regarding those levee failures.)
* In May of 2007, Pueblo, Colorado suffered a flood that involved failure of an informal levee. (pdf)
* ...

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