* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Monday, December 24, 2007

A half-bath takes less time than a full bath

Scruffy is currently looking all prim and proper up front, and something like a drowned rat behind, since it finally occurred to me that even if his hind quarters need cleaning (for the usual reasons) his front quarters don't necessarily. So, today he got a half bath (yesterday he got a full bath, not only for the normal reasons but also because he smelled foul. I tried being a bit lenient with the bathing and cleaning, reasoning that cats generally manage to keep themselves clean, but although he licks himself enough to give himself hairballs if I don't brush him regularly, he apparently isn't very successful at keeping himself clean.)

So, for the future, half baths will be replacing full baths when feasible.

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