* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Thursday, December 6, 2007

...and more water

This morning's pleasant discovery was cat feces on the bathroom floor, again. Shadow had some of it in her foot fur, and I spot-cleaned her, but Scruffy seemed to have sat in it, so he had to be bathed.

No surprise, he wasn't pleased, but things went better this time than last time. I did feel sorry for him, though, particulary when he started to shiver as I towled him dry. If he wasn't so skittish, I'd consider getting a hair drier, but as it was, I held him to me and cranked up the heat, then brought him to the floor heating grate once the radiators had warmed up.

One thing that is kind of neat about bathing him, though, is how he fluffs back out in an hour or so, being a longhair cat.

So, along with the water on the kitchen floor and the remaining dampness in the living room, there's water and cat feces all over the bathroom.

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