* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Please stand by...

I'm emerging from my two week funk, but now it's time for final papers, exams, etc. So, a quick update:

Cats: still getting bigger. Scruffy is more trusting, though it's still an issue. Presently he's stretched out with his sister on my old school bag, which is impressive, given how exposed a position that is. Shadow seems frustrated at the lack of spiders and crickets in the apartment - she's eaten them all and it takes time for them to respawn. She also destroyed another dangling feather toy thing, so I'll have to find another one.

Practicum: still not done

Thesis: have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow (Friday)

Katrina: Bush shares some of the responsibility at the local level, too, basically because he encouraged government at all levels to abandon their non-terrorism disaster prepredness preparedness work. Eventually I'll get around to writing about that in some more detail.

Cold weather: sucks

Things should be back to normal fairly soon; please continue to tune in.

- B

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