* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Sunday, November 4, 2007

FEMA trailers making inhabitants sick

I do want to quickly comment on this, though, as I just found it on line. Two years after the event, many victims of Hurricane Katrina are still living in FEMA trailers. Worse, it appears that the trailers are giving off formaldehyde, which is making their residents sick. This past summer, newspapers as far away as Canada reported on this issue (Consider the (Montreal) Gazette, on 28 August, p A15), and it appears that at least one lawsuit has been filed.

What this illustrates, among other things, is a lack of necessary planing on the part of FEMA and other agencies. It appears that the formaldehyde is in part related to the speed with which the trailers were constructed and put into use, as whatever trailers that might have been available at the time were inadequate in numbers or quality (you probably remember the difficulty that many people had in getting trailers - there just didn't seem to be enough of them - from your morning paper or evening newscast).

Ok - I'm at my limit for the moment. More complaining tomorrow.

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