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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Truth and Beauty 13-10

Truth and Beauty updates (most) Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

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“Have we heard anything from Vindictive since the order for loose formation,” he asked, taking a sip of coffee to show that his question was routine.

“No, sir,” said the radioman, sounding slightly resentful. “I would have passed that along as soon as it came in.”

“She’s said nothing to anyone,” Jack asked.

“Oh,” said the woman, thinking for a moment. “Shortly after eight bells I heard her talking to two of the merchantmen, Keystone, sir, and Elephant and Castle, but nothing since then.”

“What did she say,” Jack asked.

“She ordered them to specific stations. Shall I get you the specifics from the log?”

Jack shook his head. “Have we heard anything from anyone else since then?”

The sailor shook her head. “It’s been quiet for at least two bells, sir.” She thought for a moment. “There was some chatter at the fore end of the convoy, but it was pretty garbled, and I couldn’t make anything of it.”

Jack considered. A particularly heavy lurch on Roth’s part caused him to stagger.  “Mister Greenstreet, perhaps lifelines are in order,” he said, then, to the radioman, “see if you can raise Vindictive.”

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