* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Friday, May 27, 2016

Chaos is Law

It is the nature of all things to move toward chaos. Disorder. Entropy. Energy may be spent to instill order, but ultimately chaos prevails.* And ultimately, again, order prevails - everything is evenly distributed. Order crumbles to chaos, which crumbles to order.

*There are multiple truths to this statement. First, the work done to instill order generates heat, which moves particles faster, melts solids, boils liquids, accelerates activity: chaos increases. Second, the use of fuel to perform the work of instilling order generally splits the fuel molecule into more molecules (gasoline is combusted into multiple molecules of CO2, a single molecule of glucose combines with six molecules of oxygen to form six molecules of CO2 and six of H2O, etc). Third, once energy ceases being spent on instilling order, chaos resumes its advance; and fuel is finite in quantity.

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