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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Truth and Beauty 11-12

Truth and Beauty updates (most) Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

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On the view screen, the frigate suddenly bloomed, yawing to starboard and presenting her broadside. “I believe the Junos mount 36 16-gigwatt plasma-arc cannon, plus assorted smaller kinetic weapons,” said Mister Lorre, in a decidedly calm voice.

“Twenty-gigawatt,” said Lieutenant O’Brian. “Helm, turn toward her - give ‘em the smallest target possible.”

“Eighteen-gigawatt,” said subLieutenant Greenstreet.

“Do you not see the spotters guide in the Lieutenant’s hands?”

“Sergeant!” warned Jack, but, “IFF received, sir, she’s French,” said the communications man, and pale-blue bolts streaked out from the Frenchman, who was now broadside-to the Roth. The bolts grew larger and brighter, brighter and larger, blocking the enemy from view, filling most of the view screen, all of the view screen, “brace for impact!” and Roth stumbled, her lights flickered. Jack had grabbed the rail along the bottom of the view screen and so fell only to his knees. Behind him, he heard thumps and curses as the others fell, or didn’t.

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