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** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Truth and Beauty 10-6

Truth and Beauty updates (most) Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

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The revolvers were Navy Colt double-action plasma pistols, with stainless-steel frames and black anodized cylinders and grips. They were stored unloaded, their capacitors lined up neatly in their charging racks. Most of the charging indicators were lit green, but several showed the pulsing red of a faulty cap.

Selecting a gun at random, he pulled it free. It was a heavy gun, just as solid and deadly as the Douglas. When he pulled the hammer back the cylinder turned smoothly.

He swung the cylinder out. The contacts were copper, slightly tarnished but not particularly worn. Choosing six capacitors, he loaded them: they slid easily into place, seating fully and snugly into place. He pressed the ejector pin, spilling the caps into his hand and replacing five of them in the charging rack.

In a small container, he found several sighting adapters. He snapped one onto the remaining cap and replaced it in the cylinder, swinging the cylinder closed so the cap was in the 2 o’clock position. Then he released the safety and raised the gun to firing position. Aiming for a knot in the paneling, he pulled the trigger.

The red sighting laser shot from the barrel, making a bright, crisp dot on the bulkhead perhaps one centimeter form the knot - more than reasonably close for a generically assigned gun. Satisfied, he removed the cap from the gun, returned it, the sighting adapter, and the gun itself to their positions, and looked at the miscellaneous weapons and parts. There were two M216 grenade launcher attachments for the Douglas SMGs, with most of two cases of tear gas grenades; half a dozen bayonets for the same guns; a Remington model C kinetic sniper rifle with close to 100 rounds; and a tripod that probably belonged to an M36 energy machine gun, though the gun itself was absent.

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