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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Truth and Beauty 9-2

Truth and Beauty updates (most) Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

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Stephen shook his head. “It was an excellent excuse to get away.”


“I’m grateful for the opportunity, yes, but the environment is a bit - rigid.” He quickly outlined his run-in with Jack for Pravin’s benefit.

Pravin smiled. “When I heard you had joined the army I said to Martha, ‘how ironic.’ She predicted you would not last a week.”

“Is she here, too?”

“On maternity leave, or she’d be here to see you. Between you and I, I gather her marriage is on the rocks. This child is supposed to save it.” He sighed. “She’d have been happier with you, and you with her. I never did understand why you broke it off.”

“Well,” said Stephen. He stared into his mug absently. “It seemed the right thing to do at the time,” he finished lamely. “And it’s actually the navy I’m shackled to, though I see your point.”

“Dear me, what a sad blunder, I do apologize. But they pay you?”

“Oh, yes. Though I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know how much. Room and board, of course.”

“It sounds ideal.”

Stephen grunted in reply.

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