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** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Monday, July 6, 2009

STO'B 30

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“And, of course, there is the coal torpedo,” said the master. “Though that won’t go until you tosses it in the firebox, like.”

“A coal torpedo?” asked Captain Fitton, who had never heard of such a thing.

“Why, yes, sir. It is a torpedo but what looks like coal, and is filled with powder - with gunpowder, Doctor,” the master said to Dr M’Mullen, in case a landsman might not understand powder. “You tosses it in the firebox and it goes off, right in the firebox, or so I’ve heard.”

“But would not that merely make the ship go faster,” asked Dr M’Mullen, “it being, as I understand, the fire in the box that makes the steam, and makes the engine go?”

“Yes, Doctor,” said the master, “but the explosion overwhelms the firebox, opening it to the water above, and at the least the water puts out your fire, like. But more commonly the whole boiler goes once any part of it is ruptured - the engineer could explain it better than I - but I’ve heard tell of French locomotives well nigh destroyed by such a device.”

“Why would anyone want to toss that into their fire?” asked the surgeon, his mind now worked on by enough grog to overcome his reserve.

“It’s planted by spies, like, in the enemy’s coal bunker, and you throws it in unawares,” said the master.

“So before you know, it’s too late,” observed Philip. “What a damned cowardly thing to do.”

“That is the nature of war, however,” said Dr M’Mullen.

“Oh, come Doctor,” said Philip. “War is quite honorable. There are certain rules we all abide by, like not striking our colors and then fighting again, or raising flags of distress to lure in the enemy; or not fighting under false colors, or no colors at all. Everyone knows what the limits are, and none of us step beyond them.”

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