* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Richmond

The plan was to steal the Richmond, a locomotive, from Halsey Junction, behind enemy lines.

"That won't be easy."

"There will be a diversion at Lewistown."

"Lewistown? Lewistown is twenty miles away."

"Thirty miles, by rail. But that doesn't concern you. Your concern is the Richmond."

"Just the engine?"

"And the tender. What you do with any rolling stock is up to you." One-Eye pulled a wrapped packet from his satchel. "Do you wish to take the job?" he asked, still holding the packet in his hand.

Will looked at the packet, then down to the table, trying to find guidance in the stains and cigarette burns that marred the wood. He was a small man, who looked even smaller as he slumped in his chair. He looked older than his 24 years - the result of hard living. "It'll make us even?"


Will kept his gaze on the table. One-Eye's empty eye socket always unnerved him. Why couldn't the man at least cover it with a patch, or something? He nodded.

"Very good," said One-Eye. He said something else, which Will didn't catch, placed the packet on the table, and left.

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