* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Friday, April 11, 2008


I am now sitting in a chair, on the sidewalk overlooking the Hudson River. Today I finally got around to bringing my car back to the shop after it developed a peculiar shudder following the replacement of its snow tires by all-seasons. It turns out that one of the wheels was out of balance, which makes me doubly pleased since 1. the service was free, since they had balanced the wheels when they replaced the tires, and 2. it confirms my own diagnosis of an unbalanced tire.

While the car was in for service I was more or less pinned to the village, so I took the opportunity to put in some time at the ambulance corps, taking several on-call hours and spending them catching up on grading essays, blogging, and, theoretically, my thesis. Somehow that last one didn't happen. I got through several essays before needing a break, though, so that's something.

And now I sit outside beside the bus in the cooling afternoon air, listening to the gaggle of children behind me as they discuss modifying their cap guns to actually fire projectiles. Across the street a red-headed kid is riding his skateboard down the hill - sitting on it with his legs outstretched, then carrying it back up and riding it down again. He is apparently something of a guru among those who modify their cap guns. From time to time they consult him.

A car just drove up, and the driver emerged and crossed the street to feed the meters there. I don't understand it. And it's getting cold, so perhaps I'll head inside.


Anonymous said...

The reason you only theoretically worked on your thesis, but actually worked on your blog, is that you've already given up on your thesis, and you're feeling genuine enthusiasm for your blog.

Roger Bender said...

Perhaps. But blogging is also a lot easier - much less rigorous.