* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lap cat, fat cat

A few nights ago, Scruffy, of his own accord, crawled into my lap to be petted for twenty or thirty minutes. He only left because I had to stand up - I forget why.

Of course, once he was out of my lap he ran off back to his lair.

I think it's a combination of general shyness and agoraphobia, as he sometimes will run to his shoebox, which offers him no protection at all.

Shadow, on the other hand, is overweight. That thought had been in the back of my mind for several days - her outline no longer looked quite right - though it hadn't moved forward enough to really reach conscious thought, and it has to be the reason for the real difference in weight between her and her brother. She was at the vet again a few days ago for her ear and this was pointed out to me. So, food is no longer available 24 hours a day, and I try to play with her and stir her up more that I had been, and we'll see what happens.

I'm also a little confused about her sociability. The past few times I've had visitors she has generally been willing to sniff an offered finger, but then will deliberately, unhurriedly walk off and disappear under the bed. Strange.

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