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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Truth and Beauty 8-11

Truth and Beauty updates (most) Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

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* * *

Afterwords they lay in bed, side by side. “Now I suppose I’ll have to go upstairs for your fat lieutenant,” she said, “unless you’d like another go?”

“If I’m saving you from Olson does that give me a freebie?”

“Is that what you think I am, a pros?”

“Er,” said Jack, feeling very wrong-footed, but also thinking that things had moved very quickly for Candy not to be a prostitute.

“No, I am,” she smiled, enjoying the game. “But I like to have a relationship with my clients. Sleep with me nine times and the tenth fuck’s free. And in answer to your question, your fat lieutenant’s not that bad, but if you’ll keep me for the rest of the night I’ll give you 25% off.”

“Forty percent.”

“Thirty-three and buy me breakfast in the morning, and that’s my final offer.”

He rolled over and pulled her body toward his. “Deal.”

* * *

In the morning he woke up to find her sitting at his computer. “I’m sorry,” she said, seeing him awake, “my phone died and I needed to check my email. My mother - well, I needed to check my email.” She folded down the computer screen. “Once we’ve had breakfast and you’ve paid me, I really need to go, sorry.”

They breakfasted on coffee, toast, real bacon, and eggs via room service, then Jack paid her and she left, first giving him a calling card in case he wanted her services again.

He closed and locked the door after she left, then tossed her card on the desk beside his computer and fell back into bed to stare at the ceiling.

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