* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Friday, April 2, 2010

X-ray Chapter 7, part 5

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Ian drove while Erin sat in the back and completed her SAMPLE history. At the hospital she gave the report, then, "She has a full bottle of Prednisone filled two weeks ago next to a half full one filled a month and a half ago. Toast was buring in the toaster when we arrived, the smoke detector didn't go off, and it took her close to five minutes to find the coat closet when we went to leave. Lives alone, apparently a son drops by to deliver meds, including an OTC epi inhaler. I've had her three or four times since New Year's."

"I'll tell the social worker," Anne signed the run report

"That's all in the report. Thanks," she said as Anne handed back the report. Erin left behind the pink hospital copy and joined Ian in the Truck.

"I didn't offend you giving the report?"

"No. You knew her."

"Laura always flips if I get involved with patient care when its her day to tech. Ready for lunch?"

"Yeah." Ian punched up their numbers from the MDT and filled in the rest of the ACR, but his thoughts drifted back to the essence of the call. Erin had done a good job of trying to lay it all out in the report. A nursing home would just add to her confusion, but clearly she was no longer able to take care of herself. "You haven't seen any live in care around here, have you?" he asked Erin.

Erin paused to squeeze past a double parked 18-wheeler before answering. "Live in care? No. Not unless its a family member. Mrs Leonardowitz . . ." she trailed off. "They're closed."

Closed for good. The Top Hill Diner sat cold and empty with two new signs posted next to the advertised specials. "Death in Family," one read, "Closing our Doors." "For Rent," read the other, with a local phone number.

"Not even a thank you for years of customer support," Ian was suddenly very angry. He hadn't realised how much he had wanted his number two special until it was denied him. They crisped their bacon without shrivelling it. Done right every time. "Why can't one thing go right today? Why can't we just get a decent two egg special with toast, home fries, and bacon? For Chris' sake, it's not that complicated," he tossed the clipboard onto the dash. "Let's see what else is open," he said tiredly. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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