* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I got to pet the Little Grey Kitten today!

... and you didn't!

It's actually been rather a trying day, for the kittens - first trip to the V - E - T, which meant the first time back in the carrier since they moved in a little over a week ago. Smokey/Scruffy had to be chased down, and I got to hear him hiss and spit for the first time - no joy for either of us. But then Shadow was pretty easy to catch and place in the carrier. She cried a bit once we got to the vet's, while she was still in the carrier, and was able to take some comfort from me, through the bars. I wasn't happy to see her unhappy and scared, but I was glad that she took comfort from me.

Back home, let them out of the carrier - Shadow moved into the laundry basket (note to self: never leave the laundry basket lying about with clothes in it - especially if they're clean clothes) and fell asleep, while Scruffy disappeared into his lair beneath the bed. I ate lunch, took a nap, stopped by work and then went to class. On my return Shadow was very interested in being held and comforted, so we sat for an hour and change. At the end of this Scruffy made an appearance - I suppose that seeing his sister getting petted and clearly enjoying it made him think that maybe contact wasn't all bad, and he let me pet him for several minutes. This is a real breakthrough for him, and I'm especially impressed since we started the day with my chasing him and him hissing at me.

A happy Little Grey Kitten may yet be possible.

Of course, perhaps 20 min later I gingerly attempted a repeat petting performance, and he ran under the bed again.

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