* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Saturday, February 27, 2010

STO'B 4-12 Captain Fitton

Author's Note|First Post|Previous|Next
last episode with Dr M’Mullen

Philip grabbed the main shrouds, hoisting himself clear of the Badger’s gunsmoke. Her shot did no great execution. No yards came crashing down, nor did they hole the frigate disastrously beneath the waterline, but though most of the shots went wide, one punched a hole in the fore course, and another passed over the deck, raking her at head height, throwing the crew into confusion. The smoke also hid the Badger partially, and though the Spaniard fired another gun or two neither of them hit the sloop.

“Run out!” cried Philip, “keep firing! Aim for the bows - an extra ration of grog for any crew that hits her in the bows!”

The Spaniard fired again, some of the shot coming aboard, and from the corner of his eye Philip saw something splash form the quarterdeck into the sea.

Author's Note|First Post|Previous|Next
last episode with Dr M’Mullen

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