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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Richmond Rail Heist #4

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There were several more questions, most from Jones. the bespectacled man, and all dealt with calmly and confidently by James. “We will capture the train on Friday, April 11, so we have about four days to get to Marietta. Travel in small groups until you’re well behind the front line, then the best may be to catch a train south from Chattanooga - the last train leaves at exactly five in the evening - but you may work that out for yourselves. I will be on the five o’clock train, or an earlier one.”

“What should we do if we’re stopped?” asked the bespectacled man.

“Tell as little as you need to in order to get by. Say you are on the run from the Federals in Kentucky, they’ll believe that, and you are on your way to join a unit in Georgia, where you have friends.”

“There is the Georgia 63rd, where my cousin is sergeant,” said a tall man. “His name is David Porter.”

“Say you are looking to join the Georgia 63rd, then, with David Porter as sergeant,” James continued. “If the Rebels push you to join, do so and desert at the first opportunity. The biggest difficulty will be to stay out of the Southern army. In any event, be sure to be on that train at 5:15 in the morning. Anyone not there will have to be left behind.”

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