* No badgers were harmed in the creation of this blog *

** Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Sunday, February 2, 2025

And what have you been up to, Mr B?

Long, time, no see, and what have you been up to? Rather a lot, really, and I'm proud of my accomplishments.

I completed CS50x, a programming class, which includes basic knowledge of C, Python, SQL, and web design; including a final project that runs a grading web application, titled Mascarra. The application allows logged-in faculty members to pull up images of students in the classes they teach, either by generating an alphabetized photo directory or by returning the image and class info for a student selected from a drop-down list. It then enables grading of student groups along several metrics, one of which applies equally to all members of the group, the others of which apply individually. One metric is attendance; if a student is absent, the app zeroes out their other metrics for the session, even if the faculty member forgets to. All of the data is then written back to the spreadsheet for export to an LMS. It's not gorgeous (I spent my time on making it functional, not on making it pretty), but for a single-person's work, I'm pretty happy with it. Submitting it for grading included the creation of an explanatory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoA0LZsxAZM. I'm currently waiting to see if the application can be brought inside our intranet at work, which would simplify a lot of the security aspects of the build, or if I'll have to deploy it myself, pwerhaops on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

I also submitted a patent application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The application describes a method for demonstrating X-rays, and a model for use with the method. I won't go into the details here since the application is pending (and likely will be for about a year and a half - that seems to be the standard turn-around time.) I may have another application to write up for a type of pliers - that's still in the research phase; we'll see what happens.

And, of course, there's the full time job, and the part time job, and that fussy little things commonly called life. So: no, not slacking off. More to report soon.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Metasploitable 4

First Post|Previous Post

In my previous post, I found and used a backdoor to gain access to the Metasploitable instance. This involved querying it FTP service to learn the server software type and version, then launching an exploit specific to that setup. Today, and I'm continuing to follow the same text, I'll attempt some ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) spoofing. I mentioned ARP briefly in an earlier post, but I didn't describe in any length.

ARP is part of a network's addressing protocols. Specifically, it correlates ip addresses with MAC addresses.

  • MAC addresses (Media Access Control) are specific to a device. A smartphone has a MAC address, as does a desktop computer, a tablet, and a laptop. MAC addresses are unique, are generally permanently attached to their device, and provide (limited) information about the device. The leading characters of the address, for instance, are specific to the device's manufacturer. These are similar to people's names. MAC addresses take the form of six pairs of hexadecimal digits, each pair separated by a hyphen, e.g.: 06-b3-47-fc-1d-28; or by a colon: 06:b3:47:fc:1d:28.
  • Ip addresses (Internet Protocol) are addresses on a network. To send and receive internet traffic, a device must have an address on a network, much as a person must have a postal address to receive mail. Similar to a mailing address, a device might move from one address to another through the course of a day - I might receive postal mail at home and at work, for instance. Unlike mailing addresses, ip addresses are transitory: once I disconnect from a network, it's as if I've permanently moved: I lose the ip address that I had on that network. Ip addresses (ipv4, technically; ipv6 addresses are distinct but similar) take the form of four triplets of decimal numbers, each triplet separated by periods. Leading zeroes are not shown: rather than Most addresses are public, meaning they are used for location on the internet, but three sets are reserved for use on local networks; these are known as private ip addresses:
    • Private ip addresses are restricted to local networks. No private ip address will appear as a location on the internet. Similarly, no public ip address will ever appear on a local network
    • Since private ip addresses are never locations on the internet, they can (and do) repeat from one network to the next. As I sit and write on my computer, my computer has a private ip address on my home network: My home network has a public ip address that all of my devices share via a router: 123.456.789.65. I send data to blogger.com at, where a router sends my data to a device on their network, whose private ip address I never know. That device sends data back to my network router at 123.456.789.65. My router then routes the data for my computer to my computer at At the same time, my smartphone is on my home network at It connects to my bank at (not my bank, actually, or maybe it is), where a router sends my data to a device on their network, whose private ip address I again never know. The bank sends data back to my router at 123.456.789.65, and my router routes that data to my smartphone at
    • Throughout this, I never know (or need to know) the private ip addresses of the devices at blogger or Wells Fargo, nor do they ever know (or need to know) the private ip addresses of my devices. To communicate, all we need are each other's public ip addresses; we rely on our routers to route the incoming data to its final destination at our private ip addresses. Thus, our public ip addresses are our publicly shared addresses; while our private ip addresses are not shared, and have no use outside our local network: a little secret between our device and our router.

The transitory nature of private ip addresses means that every time I join a network, I have to get a new address, even if it's a network I've been on before. It also means that my router needs to maintain a list of which device (MAC address) is at which location (ip address) on the local network, or LAN (Local Area Network). Building and maintaining this list is done via ARP. Each time a device joins a LAN, it broadcasts a message out: "I've joined this network, this is my MAC address, I need a private ip address." The router replies, giving its (the router's) private ip address and assigning an ip address to the device. The router also adds an entry to its ARP table, listing the MAC address as residing at the private ip address the router just assigned. The device stores this info, enabling it to send all future traffic specifically to the router, rather than broadcasting it to the entire network. Over time, as devices continue to add to the LAN, the router builds a complete table of its LAN. Devices can come and go on a network, so from time to time a router may check whether a device is still connected by asking who is at a particular ip address. If the device is still there, it will reply with its MAC, otherwise the router will drop the entry from its table.

All of this works very well, but it was never designed for security. When a device joins a network, it broadcasts its initial 'I need an address' message out to everyone on the network. As designed, the router responds, while all other devices ignore the message, but there's nothing to prevent a threat actor from jumping into the mix. Similarly, when a router asks if a device is at a particular ip address, that is also broadcast to everyone, creating another opportunity for chaos. Finally, the tables are ephemeral, subject to and requiring frequent revision, and all ARP messages are accepted as truthful, without any check for validity.

All of this makes ARP tables a good target for a man-in-the-middle attack, where a threat actor intercepts all messages between two points that should be directly connected. In this case, the threat actor can tell a victim's device that they are the router, and can tell the router that they are the victim's device: the victim's device sends all traffic to the threat actor, while the router sends all traffic meant for the victim to the threat actor. The threat actor can then manipulate or read the data before passing it along to its intended recipient, or not pass it along at all. This is done via ARP spoofing, which will be the topic of my next post.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Metasploitable 3

In my last post, I found that much of the software on the target is dated 2003, but in poking around a bit more, I found a 2010 entry on TWiki. More data.

The book (Ethical Hacking, link leads to publisher) next suggests using an FTP hack on a backdoor in Metasploitable, but this feels too artificial, since it relies on the knowledge of the presence of a specific version of the vsFTPd software. Specifically, vsFTPd version 2.3.4 includes a malicious backdoor that was added during development (these things happen, though vulnerabilities are more often accidental). VsFTPd is intended to be a secure ftp server, and is the default ftp server on many Linux distributions. Thus, there's a good chance that some version of it is present on Metasploitable, and perhaps I can use netcat to learn more:

nc 21

This directs a connection to Metasploitable on port 21, the control port for FTP. (FTP is peculiar in that it uses two ports, 20 & 21. Data is sent on 20, while control function are sent on 21. Most protocols use a single port for both functions.) I receive a reply:

220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)

220 is a response code indicating that the server is ready to interact with a new client, and now I have the server software and its version. Thus armed, I know I can use the backdoor described above. The full exploit sends a login username ending in :), a smiley face, then any password. The smiley face username negates the need for the software to check the validity of the password (though it still asks for one, and something must be provided), and opens a connection on port 6200.

Here, I've explored the bare minimum needed to make the connection. At first I included a colon after user, leading the ftp server to reject my entry (Please login with USER and PASS.). Providing a username with the necessary smiley and then hitting return (i.e. trying to bypass a password at my end) doesn't work, either. Not shown, I also tried providing a blank password (pass, then hitting enter), and a username of only a smiley face, neither of which work. But providing a username with a smiley at its end and a random password lets me in, as advertised. Opening another terminal window (so as not to break the connection established in the original window), I use netcat again to open a connection on port 6200. Note that my Kali box can't identify who the Metasploitable box is: unknown host; but the connection is there and I'm logged in as the root user. From here, I can edit or delete files, change user access, shutdown or reboot the machine, plant new listeners; I have the keys to the kingdom.

Edit: 12/28/2023: typos

Friday, December 22, 2023

Metasploitable 2: Reconnaisance

In my last post, I set up Metasploitable as a virtual machine on the same LAN as my Kali Linux box and determined the it's (the Metasploitable instance's) ip address using netdiscover. I didn't mention how I logged into Metasploitable, but the info is provided on the login screen: both username and password are msfadmin.

Armed with the ip address of the Metasploitable instance, why not take a look? This is as easy as entering the ip address into the address bar of a web browser, or actually, not quite that easy, since the browser automatically adds an https:// prefix, causing the browser to get lost and fail to connect. Manually deleting the prefix enables the connection:

Note the warning not to expose this instance to an insecure network. This is a vulnerable machine. Also note, if you're following along at home, that the ip address of my Metasploitable instance may not be the same as yours - check my previous post for two methods of determining the address of your instance.

Now that I'm on the Metasploitable machine, let's take a look around and do some reconnaissance. Starting at the top, clicking on the TWiki link leads to several more lnks: a license, a readme, documentation, all of which bear dates from 2003 - this software may be seriously out of date. On the todo list, now, is looking for exploits concerning TWiki.

I also find a list of users - usernames, most likely, and a link to the user registration page. Five users are listed, and I wonder how strong their passwords are? Names, emails, usernames, good stuff in plain view; even a list of admin usernames.

Another link leads to a phpMyAdmin page, which I may be able to gain entry to. There is also a DVWA login page, and a link to /dav, which indicates that it's running Apache version 2.2.8, long since out of date.

Only a few minutes of reconnaissance has provided me with several avenues of attack: two login pages, a list of usernames, and an out-of-date Apache setup. Where to begin?

Next post

Monday, December 18, 2023

First Hack: Metasploitable

Metasploitable (https://sourceforge.net/projects/metasploitable/) is a Linux instance that has been designed to be hacked - it has intentionally built-in vulnerabilities. Since it is known to be vulnerable, prudence requires running it in a walled garden. In my case, I'm running it behind the pfsense firewall I set up in my last post. Doing so is easy enough: once I download and extract the instance, I set it's network connections to the internal LAN I created when setting up pfsense. I've connected my Debian instance to the same LAN, and we're off. Metasploitable is named after Metasploit, (https://www.metasploit.com/ a pen testing framework.

Now that both instances (the attack box and the target) are on the same, sheltered network, my next task is to find the target, using my attack box. One option is nmap, a rugged, versatile, loud tool initially designed for mapping networks as part of routine maintenance. At a minimum, nmap requires an ip address or network for it to map. Though chances are high that I'm on the 192.168.1 network, assumptions will get me nowhere so I quickly run ifconfig to determine my network.

It turns out that I am on the 192.168.1.x network, so nmap would be:

sudo nmap -sn

In this case, I can use nmap, since I'm the only one on the network, but nmap isn't exactly stealthy. As set up, it's using ARP requests (I discuss ARP here), blasting them out to every possible address in the network range and listening for replies. Anyone else on the network who might be listening will hear this traffic, and since it's not a common benign pattern, it should raise a flag: someone's scanning your network. There are other ways to use nmap - I could send pings, for instance, but they're also noisy.

Another option is netdiscover. Netdiscover also sends out ARP requests by default (or ICMP, for non-local networks), but it can also be set to passively scan for ARP traffic and assemble a map of the network from that. Since ARP traffic is broadcasted (i.e. sent to all devices on a network), simply listening for long enough is likely to yield a near-complete or complete picture of the network, and since I'm just listening, the activity is much stealthier.

The syntax for an active scan, limited to this network, is sudo netdiscover -r A passive scan is sudo netdiscover -p. Note the lack of addresses on the passive scan, as we're simply listening to whatever floats past.

On a passive scan, I don't catch anything while my metasploitable instance sits idle, but when I ask it to ping Google's DNS server, I get a result. Actually, I get two:

Address 102 is Metasploitable, as I previously determined by using ifconfig from that machine. Normally, I wouldn't be able to perform this type of check, but here I can. Address 1 is my host machine - the machine I use to host my Kali box, pfsense, and Metasploitable.

Next post EDIT: 2023-12-23: fix typos, distinguish between Metasploitable and Metasploit

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Home lab setup: 2

In my last post, I downloaded an ISO image of the pfSense firewall, adapting instructions written for VirtualBox to apply to my VMWare setup. I left off with the software running, but no ip address for the WAN, as seen at right.The menu gives an option to set an interface ip address - option 2. From here, I'm given the option to set the ip address via DHCP. ipv4 and ipv6 are separate options. Selecting 'no' to DHCP enables entering an ip address manually. Selecting 'yes' for ipv4 and 'no' for ipv6 does - nothing. Oops - it was already setup that way, so, no change. Googling a solution means finding pfSense setup directions; pfSense has their own page, it's the top hit, and I start there (https://www.pfsense.org/getting-started/).

I immediately realize that I've forgotten something pretty basic. When I downloaded the image, I never checked its integrity. If the file corrupted in download, I could chase error messages till Kingdom come and never solve anything, and in fact an integrity check should have been the first thing I did after downloading. The command is straightforward enough. I'm running a Windows host, and in the command prompt I enter certutil -hashfile [filename here] SHA256 (substituting the downloaded file's name, and without the square brackets). Hooray, the hash matches, so I know I'm working with an intact download.

Taking another look at the instructions, and looking at the settings for pfSense, and looking at the settings for my Kali box, I see that historically, I've used NAT for my outbound connections. Changing the WAN setting to NAT and rebooting pfSense does lead it to load up with an address for its WAN socket: I also note that previously, the loading process used to hang on "Configuring WAN interface" for over a minute; now this process only takes a few seconds. However, there is not yet a connection between machines on the LAN and the outside world. With my Kali and my Raven boxes on the internal LAN, I can reach one from the other, but attempting to reach the internet fails: I can't navigate to outside websites on a browser in Kali, nor can I ping the Google DNS server ( - "ping: connect: Network is unreachable")

The solution, after starting several false hares and a few unhelpful google searches, was to reset pfsense to factory defaults and set the external network to NAT. "Well, nothing else has worked. Let's see what happens if I reset to factory default."

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Setting up a home lab

A colleague suggested books by no starch press (https://nostarch.com/) as a good resource. I picked up two volumes, including Ethical Hacking by Daniel G Graham (ISBN: 978-1-7185-0187-4). Thew first section of this book is about setting up a home lab for practice.

Dr Graham gives instructions for setting up a lab using VirtualBox. In my bootcamp, I used VMWare. I don't remember the precise reasons, but I did try out both VirtualBox and VMWare, and was able to get VMWare started easier. Once it was up and running, there was no reason then to troubleshoot VirtualBox any further. Now my choice is to troubleshoot VirtualBox so as to be able to setup my lab like Dr Graham's, or try to adapt his instructions to VMWare. I think there's more to be learned by adapting his instructions, so that's the route I'm taking.

The first thing I learned was that if I was going to be running a vulnerable machine, I should probably place an additional firewall between it and the rest of the world. I actually have two firewalls: my ISP provides one with its router, and I use PiHole; so this will place three(!) firewalls around my vulnerable machines. In truth, I'm half convinced that this is overkill, but I don't think it will slow things down enough to matter, and I'd like the experience of setting up this additional firewall. Also, I expect it will simplify some of Dr Graham's later exercises, and as steep as I do like the learning curve, at a certain point you're looking at a funicular, which is self-defeating.

Dr Graham recommends the pfSense firewall, downloaded from their website (https://www.pfsense.org/). The download is straightforward, a zipped file that extracts to a .iso (disk image) file. You select your architecture (64-bit or Netgate; there's theoretically also a 32-bit option according to the help text on mouse-over, but that may be a legacy help text) and your (USB or iso), then download. Once you've unzipped the image, it's available to install: open the File menu on VMWare and select "New Virtual machine". A wizard launches - I used the Typical install option, then directed the wizard to the extracted iso. Strangely, I couldn't click on the image to select it, but by navigating to the folder then entering the filename manually, the install seems to have worked.

The default memory assigned by the wizard is 256MB. Dr Graham suggests a setting of 1024MB, which is changed via a vertical slider during setup. Alternately, you can change it later by right-clicking the machine's tab and selecting "Settings' form the resulting menu.

The network settings were the first real change. pfSense needs to connect to the internet and to a LAN - it's positioned between the internet and the machines on the LAN, in order to police the traffic passing between the two. This requires two network connections, and while the VirtualBox setup looks to have four network adapters out of the box, VMWare only provides one. In that same settings menu that I referenced last paragraph, though, on the Hardware tab, there's a button near the bottom of the window labeled "Add...", and clicking that gives the opportunity to add another network interface. this now gives me the two interfaces, one of which I set to Bridged (Automatic), and the other of which I set to LAN Segment:

  • Bridged (Automatic) provides a direct connection to the physical network - this is the connection to the internet (and any threat actors) - the area outside the firewall.
  • LAN Segment provides a connection to a local area network (LAN), the area inside the firewall. Initially, there are no LAN segments available, but adding one is easily managed through the LAN Segments button. Click 'Add' on the resulting mini window. I named my LAN 'Internal LAN' to keep it consistent with Dr Graham's design, and connected the Network Adapter 2 to this LAN Segment.

Thus configured, pfSense can be started up. There is an agreement to accept, then you can install the software. And about here is where I ran into my first puzzle.

Dr Graham now directs you to reboot pfSense, and then to note that pfSense redirects to the same copyright and distribution notices as before, since the machine is still booting form the original iso download. He directs you to Settings --> Storage, then select the iso file and click "Remove Attachment." I didn't find exactly that in VMWare, but on the Hardware tab of the Settings window, there is a CD/DVD (IDE) line, which when opened reveals checkboxes for "Connected" and "Connect at power on". For the connection, there is the downloaded, extracted iso file - looks like the same thing, right?

Well, I deselected the checkboxes, disconnecting the file, and restarted pfSense. And it didn't work. Foolishly, I didn't write down the error. The obvious soluiton was to reselect those checkboxes, which I did, but on restarting pfSense, it got stuck in a boot loop: rebooting and rebooting and rebooting.

Google is your friend, they say, and a quick web search on "pfsense stuck in boot loop" showed me that I was hardly the first person to face this scenario. The second hit was a Reddit post that included directions for fixing it (the first post looks to be a blog giving the same advice). I ran the appropriate command until there were no errors and successfully rebooted into the expected menu:

There is still one problem, which is that the WAN entry is blank, when it should be filled in. That is for tomorrow night.

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